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Preface to the GUI Design Handbook
Checkbox to Cursor
Dialog Box to Drop-down List
Graph to Iconic Label
Keyboard Shortcuts to List Box
Menubar to Message Box
Online Help
Palette to Pushbutton
Radio Buttons to Status Bar
Table to Wizard

14 Steps of GUI Design
Color & Pattern
FAST Consulting

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Data organized into rows and columns. In software development, "table" is used in two senses: a report or textual representation of some information; and a view of a database.

Good for:

Showing analysis results in report or table form (Fig. 19).


Fig. 19. A report from the Laser Pro Mortgage application (CFI ProServices, Inc., Portland, OR).

Showing the results of a database query (Fig. 20).


Fig. 20. A database view from Laser Pro Mortgage (CFI ProServices, Inc., Portland, OR).

Not good for:

Showing overviews. Use graphs instead.


Design guidelines:

Parts of a table

The topmost row on a table contains the table’s title (see "Table titles" below). The left margin on a table is called the "stub." The stub heading should be the type of item to be compared: "Bonds," "Towns," or "Diseases," for example. The names of the items being compared—"ATT 6.0 97," "Waterbury," or "Endometriosis"—are listed in this column. All other columns contain the comparisons (Fig. 21).


Stub head




Item name




Item name




Item name




Fig. 21. Parts of a table.

Rules (horizontal and vertical lines) can help readers keep their places in the row. Just make sure that the rules aren’t overwhelming. Use the narrowest line available to you; use gray lines rather than black lines. For more ideas on reducing visual clutter, see Tufte 1983.

Units of measurement

Always show the unit of measurement in the column heading—for example, $, %, "in thousands of ¥," "Celsius or Fahrenheit."

Failure to indicate the unit of measurement causes dissatisfaction. Although experienced users may be able to figure out the unit of measurement from the context, doing so takes time away from studying the data.

Also, if the units are in the headings, you don’t have to repeat them for each item, thereby reducing visual clutter.

Table titles

Make sure that the table title is distinctive—the first few words of their titles should not always be the same. For example, this set of titles uses the same first few words:

Sodium concentrations of the Mississippi River

Sodium concentrations of the Amazon River

By switching the order, you get a more useful set of titles:

Mississippi River sodium concentrations

Amazon River sodium concentrations

A user skimming through a set of tables will be able to pick up the purpose of the table immediately instead of after reading for a few seconds.

For marketing or sales-oriented tables, find a way to let users put a message or point of view in the title—let them emphasize the point of the data. For example, "Company Sales Trend" doesn't say as much as "Company Sales Up in Northwest" or "Sales Down in Southeast." Provide a default title that users can overwrite if they want.

Tables vs. graphs

Like graphs, tables usually contain ‘cooked’ data or views of a database or spreadsheet. Unlike graphs, tables show details, not overviews. In many applications, graphs and tables are complementary. Whenever possible, let users toggle between tables and graphs.

The perfect table

Developers have spent countless hours agonizing over what columns to include, what to call them, how to sort the data, how to organize the columns, how to let users zoom in on a particular record, and so on.

These are all good questions to ask. However, the problem is that developers often agonize alone, when they could delegate the agony to the end-users.

In short, make the display easy to change instead of trying to make the perfect table. Let users reorganize tables on the fly by clicking the column heads. For example, as shown in Fig. 22, clicking Sender sorts the list of messages by email addresses; clicking Subject sorts it by subject line; and clicking Date sorts it by date.


Fig. 22. Sorting a table by clicking the Sender column head (Netscape 3).

In Fig. 22, the messages are reorganized according to which column was clicked last. This may not be as useful as the two-level sort shown in Fig. 23. In this application, clicking the column head toggles the messages between reverse or standard order, depending on which column the user clicks and how often. Clicking Date once, for example, would reorganize the messages in standard chronological order; clicking it again reorganizes the messages in reverse chronological order.



Fig. 23. A different approach to toggling (CompuServe 3.0.1).

For more complex sort orders (by name within date, for example), you might want to offer a sort dialog box. Do usability testing to find out which style of sorting is more appropriate for your application.

Usability tests:

In low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes, note areas in which users seem to looking for more information—these areas may be good places for tables. Use a talk-aloud protocol.

Also test for these items:

Obviousness: Are the goals of the table apparent? Is the title too generic—can the users recognize the use or contents of the table from the title?

Heuristics: Do experts agree that you’ve formatted the data correctly? Check with people with expertise in statistics and mathematics.

Mechanical: Users often prefer to see preformatted tables as their first experience with a table program. Later, if they need to, they can fine-tune the display. Have you made it easy for the user to get an interesting table the first time he or she uses the application (perhaps with a wizard, if the display or data are complex)?

See also:




A collection of command, action, or function buttons. Toolbars generally appear at the tops or edges of application windows. They may be moveable; if they become moveable, they are called palettes.

Good for:

Accessing often-used (Save, Cut) or repeatedly used (bullets, numbering) functions with the mouse.


Fig. 24. A customized Word for Windows 6 toolbar.

Finding important functions easily. Because toolbars make options visible, they also remind users to do important actions—Save, for example.

Not good for:

Operations that are done more efficiently using the keyboard.

Operations that require many parameters, that have no defaults, or that don’t lend themselves to shortcuts. For example, a Fax shortcut button should simply send the document to the fax modem using the current defaults; it shouldn’t bring up a fax dialog box.

Design guidelines:

Global vs. local functions on toolbars

Toolbar functions should be global—in other words, they should be usable for an entire window or across several windows. Options that are used in only one section of a window or in a dialog box should appear in the section or dialog box, not on the toolbar.

Truly global toolbars

Some environments accommodate "front panels" (Marcus 1995, 37) or "control panels" on the desktop. When the same functions are available for all windows in an application (or even all applications in the system), it might make more sense to have a toolbar that floats on the desktop rather than repeating the same toolbar on each individual window.

button row

Fig. 25. A prototype control panel for a financial analysis system.

The danger is that the floating toolbar may get hidden. However, in the Windows 95 environment, you can create a taskbar that is anchored to an edge of the screen and thereby never gets lost. On Sun or other (usually UNIX) workstations with large amounts of screen real estate, there may enough room for any number of floating control panels.

Location, location, location

Palettes generally float, while toolbars are tied to the frame window, usually at an edge of a main window or just below the menubar.

The location of toolbars and palettes takes something from the idea of a workshop—the tension between having a clear space to work and having all the tools you need at hand has to be resolved (Collins 1995, 224). In a physical workshop, you put up wall racks to store the tools you need some of the time and put drawers in the work table for the tools you need all the time. Really well-designed work tables have pockets for tools and hardware around the edges. Toolbars and palettes are like those pockets. Menus are like the wall racks, and dialog boxes are like the drawers.


Fig. 26. Status-bar "page view" buttons (at the left) in Word for Windows.

Top vs. side locations

Galitz suggests putting toolbars containing the application’s primary functions along the top of the window. Toolbars for subtasks can go along the sides of the window (1997, 337).

Some environments let you add toolbar buttons to the status bar or to the scroll bar at the bottom of the window. Windows 95 lets you create "application desktop taskbars" (or "access bars") that act like the Windows 95 desktop task bar. See "Application Desktop Toolbars" in chapter 10 (Microsoft 1995, 271-272).

Changing toolbars into palettes

Microsoft Office 97 and other environments let users drag toolbars away from the window borders, turning them into floating palettes (Fig. 27). If it would help users to have certain functions at their mouse-tips, then include this functionality in your application. However, make sure that your training and documentation departments know about it. Users may not notice this feature on their own.

torn-off toolbar

Fig. 27. Toolbars into palettes.

Changing positions

Wherever you put a toolbar, make sure that it can be repositioned. Weinschenk and Yao have these suggestions (1995, 84-85):


Fig. 28. Word for Windows toolbar, dragged into the body of the document window.


  • Let users move toolbars (or palettes) to more convenient places.

  • Let users customize the toolbar with the options they use most often. Let them remove buttons they don’t use.

  • Let users toggle the toolbars on and off. Turning toolbars off makes more room on the screen for the ‘live’ information.

Other guidelines

  • It is better to stipple out temporarily unavailable options than to remove them altogether (unless the options are removed based on user IDs and need-to-know rules). If some buttons are always available and others are sometimes unavailable, consider grouping the two sets separately—at either ends of the toolbar, for example.

  • Although you may show different sets of options on different windows, it is better, if possible, to keep the options in the same relative positions from toolbar to toolbar.

  • Use the same buttons for the same functions on all toolbars in the application. Don’t use a piggybank on one window and a diskette on another for Save.

  • Make sure that users can access the same functions from menus and via keyboard shortcuts (except for functions that are truly tied to the mouse, such as free-hand drawing).

Organizing buttons

Galitz offers these guidelines (1997, 336-338):

  • Order the toolbar buttons logically—for example, by frequency of use, sequence of use, or importance.

  • For buttons ordered left to right, put the most frequent actions to the left. For buttons ordered top to bottom, put the most frequent actions at the top.

  • Keep related buttons grouped together. However, to avoid activating potentially destructive buttons by mistake, separate them from frequently selected buttons. (Mouse slips are fairly common.)

Button, button, what kind of button?

Since toolbars are many functions crammed together, the labels usually end up being small iconic buttons. (See Iconic Label for information on designing and testing the pictures.)

Most are pushbuttons, but some are check boxes (on word processors, for example, the bold, italic, and underline buttons are check boxes) and some are radio buttons (left, right, center alignments).

Usability tests:

Ask test participants to organize the buttons by most used to least used. Also, separately, ask them to identify the function from the label and vice versa. The information you are looking for is:

  • Whether users understand the meanings of the pictures immediately (ease of learning)

  • Whether they remember the meanings readily, once learned (memorability)

  • Whether users can discriminate between similar pictograms or similar ideas

  • How long it takes them to become proficient and whether they graduate to doing complex or sophisticated tasks (Horton 1994, 302)

Ease of learning is especially important when you’re developing for casual or inexperienced users. Test using a paper and pencil matching test.

Memorability is most important when you’re writing for experienced users. If your user group will use the product daily, you can use "nonsense" pictures (a yellow triangle, a green square, etc.), provided that the icons are visually distinct from one another.

Some pictures may be hard to recognize no matter what you do to improve them. The solution is not to beat your collective heads against the wall, trying to find the best image. Rather, add tooltips. Many researchers have repeatedly found that images combined with text works better than images alone or words alone.

See also:

Iconic Label; Tooltip.



A small pop-up that appears when the user holds the pointer over a button or other screen object for a short period of time. It contains a short "what’s this" or "how to use this" description of the object.

Good for:

Finding out what a screen component does, especially when it has no text label (Fig. 29).


Fig. 29. A tooltip from Word for Windows.

Not good for:

More than a phrase. Use online help for detailed information.

Design guidelines:

Tooltip help is a property of buttons and other controls. Check the documentation that comes with your development package (or the property box itself) for implementation information.


Tooltips appear when the user holds the mouse over the button for a certain length of time. Tips are then triggered automatically over each additional button until the user clicks on an object.

User Interface Engineering (UIE) reports that Microsoft sets its delay at 700 milliseconds—when they set the delay at 500 milliseconds, users complained that they popped up too much; at 1,000 milliseconds, users never discovered how to bring them up. However, UIE found another problem during their own tests: Users cruise the toolbar looking for tooltips, but the tips never show up because the mouse hasn’t stopped. This problem is compounded, UIE says, by a common user response—trying to make the tips show up by wiggling the cursor over the button. The wiggling, of course, resets the timing so that the tips are never triggered (User Interface Engineering 1996, 7).

How to write the text


Fig. 30. A good, verbose tooltip for Upload from HotDog Pro.

UIE reports that tooltips can be too cryptic (see Fig. 30 for a verbose tooltip). In a comparison between Window Access and Lotus Approach tooltips, the researchers found that users preferred Approach’s short phrases to Access’s terse, two-word labels.

Microsoft’s tooltips are designed to match menu labels—for example, "Print Preview" is used both on the button and the menu label. Lotus’s tooltips, on the other hand, are designed to help users find the function they need—for example, the tooltip for the Browse button was "Go to Browse to review or modify data."

However, UIE points out that the users ignored the "Go to Browse" part of the message and saw only "modify data," the desired function. For that reason, they suggest concentrating on the function rather than the name (User Interface Engineering 1996, 1).


If your software may be internationalized, put the text in a separate resource file and a pointer to the text in the component itself. For information on expansion rates between English and most other languages, see Label.

Usability tests:

Test that users describe the control’s function the same way that you do. In early phases, use a paper-and-pencil matching test. In low-fidelity or high-fidelity prototypes, use a talk-aloud protocol and listen for questions about button names and functions.

See also:

Online Help, Context-Sensitive; Status Bar



The application’s container. The main window provides a framework for the application’s functions, commands, and data. It also provides a top-level context for secondary windows and dialog boxes.

Good for:

Making the application’s conceptual model concrete (Fig. 31).


Fig. 31. Draw an icon in the square in the middle (Icon Make-It 1.0, Moon Valley Software).

Offering closure by giving the user a standard starting point and, in some cases, a standard ending point (Fig. 32). This is the "home window" idea both on the Web and in standard GUI applications.


Fig. 32. A standard starting point for a data-entry application.

Design guidelines:

Developers, usability experts, users, and designers debate endlessly about how much to put on a window. Some early guidelines suggested keeping screen densities to under 25 percent—in other words, only 25 percent of the window should actually contain fields or displayed information (Galitz 1994, 83). NASA researchers found that densely packed screens (70 percent full) took an average of 5 seconds to scan, while sparsely filled screens (30 percent full) took only 3.4 seconds. By improving the labeling, clustering related information, using indentation and underlining, aligning numbers, and eliminating unnecessary characters, the researchers reduced task time by 31 percent and errors by 28 percent for inexperienced users. Experienced users did not improve their task times, but they did become more accurate. A study of telephone operators found that maintaining a 25 percent density and suppressing redundant family names reduced search times by 0.8 seconds per search (Schneiderman 1992, 318-319).

However, expert users (stock brokers, air traffic controllers, and so on) prefer denser displays because more information per screen means fewer computer-related operations. Since these users are familiar with the data, they can find what they need even on a screen with 80 or 90 percent densities.

The solution to this impasse may be the model shown in Fig. 33. This model is based on Cooper’s analysis of applications into daemonic, parasitic, transient, and sovereign (1995, 151-170), Galitz’s analysis of the three types of sovereign windows (1997, 153-163), and Spool’s separation of applications into core and ring (1996a, 1-3). The bars are hypothetical, supported mostly by experience rather than by research data. However, as a hypothesis, the model should be testable both clinically (through experience) and experimentally (through usability testing).


Fig. 33. Comparing application types to screen density.

Following are definitions of the key terms.

Daemonic applications

Applications that do not normally interact with the user are, in Cooper’s model, "daemonic" programs. They serve quietly and invisibly in the background without much need for human intervention. Typical daemonic programs are printer drivers and network traffic analyzers. They typically have, or should have, minimal interfaces—a small window with a few settings. In the UNIX world (from where the term comes), many daemons have no graphical interface at all, just a set of command-line flags for changing settings.

Parasitic applications

Parasitic applications are continuously present but perform only supporting roles. For example, a parasite may monitor the amount of system resources available, put a clock in every program’s caption bar, or show how much memory is free. They are physically small and are superimposed on other applications.

A process-reporting parasite has to be both simple and bold. Since it rides on top of other applications, it must respect their preeminence and move out of the way if necessary.

Transient applications

A transient application does only one simple function. It comes when needed, does its job, then leaves, letting the user continue with his or her normal activity. Typical transient applications are graphic scanners, document faxers, and e-mail applications.

Cooper offers these design guidelines:

  • The transient application should respect the sovereign applications by not taking more space on screen than absolutely necessary.

  • To help users orient themselves quickly, its icons and other components can be larger and brighter than those of sovereign applications.

  • Skinny sliders and tiny drag-and-drop widgets are out of place here—keep demands on the user’s fine motor skills to a minimum.

  • Build instructions into the surface—since the user may see the program once a month, she will probably forget what the steps for using it are and what the icons represent.

  • Keep a transient application to one window—don’t force a user onto a subwindow or dialog box to manage a main function of the program.

Ring applications

Ring applications are designed to help users do activities in areas with which they are not very familiar. In Spool’s model of "core" and "ring" applications, a core application is one that enhances the user’s core competencies (the same as a sovereign application in Cooper’s model). For example, an engine-analysis system enhances a car mechanic’s core competencies. A ring application, on the other hand, helps with tasks outside the mechanic’s core competencies. For example, a car-parts locator program makes it easier for the mechanic to do his or her job, but doesn’t add to the core competencies.

A core application should be as dense as necessary (see "Sovereign Applications" below), since their users will be spending a lot of time with it and will want to have as much information available as possible. But since users use ring applications only occasionally, they need all the help they can get—not just white space and careful grouping but built-in templates and wizards to get them over the learning hump quickly.

Sovereign applications

Cooper describes a sovereign application as "the only one on the screen, monopolizing the user’s attention for long periods of time… Sovereign applications travel in royal splendor, surrounded by their numerous courtiers. They offer a panoply of related functions and features, and users tend to keep them up and running continously." (1995, 152). Good examples of sovereign applications are word processors and spreadsheets. Many vertical applications are also sovereign applications, as they often stay on the screen for long periods of time—hours, usually—and interaction can be very complex and involved.

One of the most important aspects of a sovereign application is that the users are experienced. Although each user will spend some time learning the application, it will be only a short period of time compared to the amount of time she will eventually spend using the product. Therefore, sovereign applications should be designed for experienced users, not for first-timeor occasional users. "Sacrificing speed and power in favor or clumsier but easier-to-learn idioms is out of place here," says Cooper. "Of course, if you can offer easier idioms without compromising the interaction for experiemced users, that is always best" (1995, 153). He warns, however, that if a competitor comes up with the same functionality but an easier interface, the competitor will take over the market. Look at WordStar vs. WordPerfect and Microsoft Word in the 1980s or, more recently, Ventura vs. Framemaker.


Fig. 34. Microsoft Word, a sovereign application with extra information and tools tucked into the bottom margins.

Other aspects of a sovereign approach are:

  • Because the user’s interaction with the sovereign program dominates his or her sessions with the computer, you should feel free to take as much video real estate as possible.

  • Expect that the users will run the application maximized. Maximize the window by default—although the application must be resizable and minimizable, it should be optimized for maximum size. Unless the user instructs otherwise, documents or views inside second-level windows should also be maximized.

  • Because the user will be staring at the window for hours at a time, mute the application’s colors and textures. Bright colors and patterns might be fun the first time the user sees them, but they will start to look unreasonably garish after a few weeks. (Users will complain about the "Mickey Mouse" or "Fisher-Price" colors.)

  • In the same way, screen components don’t have to be as big and obvious as they would in transient or parasitic applications. Users will become familiar with the locations of palettes, menus, toolbars, and other items simply because they see them day in and day out.

  • Enrich the interface with extra information (Fig. 34). For example, you can add miniature graphs, LEDs, tool icons, and hints to the status bar, to the edges of the scroll bars, and to all the other "dusty corners of the program’s visible extents" (Cooper 1995, 154).

  • Add many ways to control every aspect of the application: keyboard shortcuts, drag and drop, dialog boxes, mouse shortcuts, direct manipulation. Let users find the method that suits themselves best.

  • Minimize delays. It is acceptable for procedures to take time, but these procedures shouldn’t be the ones that users do all the time. For example, if it takes more than a second to save a document to disk, that delay will quickly come to be viewed as unreasonable. On the other hand, the user won’t be irritated if it takes a few seconds to change the format of an entire document—the user can see that it should take time and he won’t be doing it very often.

Three types of sovereign windows

The sovereign window idea is a GUI design breakthrough, but it doesn’t quite go far enough. This is where Galitz’s three types of main windows comes in. The three types are form-based data-entry, conversational (also called "interactive"), and inquiry ("result" and "read-only").

In a form-based data-entry window, the user types data from a paper form (for example, a medical insurance form) into the computer. The typist generally looks at the paper form rather than the monitor and, in fact, uses the field labels only to find his or her place again after an interruption.

In a conversational window, the user interacts with the software face to face (so to speak). Activities that fall into this category range from CAD/CAM, games, and automatic teller machines, in which the user interacts only with the software, to airline reservation and telemarketing systems, in which the user interacts with a customer and the software at the same time.

With inquiry windows, the user searches for and retrieves specific information. Applications in this category range from telephone operators' databases to CompuServe libraries to CD-ROM encyclopedias.

The different functions require different window layouts:

  • The most important design factor for form-based windows is matching the window to the form, line for line. Visual design is nearly irrelevant. See Fig. 32.

  • Conversational windows require careful visual organization and should include complete, unabbreviated labels and onscreen instructions. Status and informational messages, prompts, and context-sensitive help are useful here.

  • Sophisticated visual design is important on inquiry windows, both because users need to see the desired information immediately and because inquiry applications tend to be market-oriented.

Each type of layout is described below.

Form-based data-entry windows

The most important design problem for form-based windows is fitting all the fields in the relatively limited space of the window. The next most important is organizing the fields.

Fitting the data horizontally

Fig. 32 is a screen developed from the paper form shown in Fig. 35.



 Active

 Long-term

 Retired


Your social security number

Date of Birth

MM DD yy

 Male

 female

marital status

 single  married

 widowed  divorced

home address - street



zip code

part 2: complete only if claim is for a dependent

patient's name (last, first, mi) if a dependent

dependent status

 spouse  other

 child

 Male

 female

marital status

 single  married

 widowed  divorced

Date of Birth

MM DD yy

dependent's social security no.

For a child 19 years or older, is child is full-time student?

 yes  no

IS the child employed?

 yes  no

date of graduation:

name and address of school/employer:

part 3: Co-insurance information

Was your spouse employed at the time of treatment?

 YES  NO

If yes, name and address of employer

social security no.

Date of Birth

MM DD yy


 yes  no

policy number

name and address of co-insurer

Fig. 35. Paper form from which the window was developed.

Since the source is a paper document, the most effective window is an exact image of the document. When the source and target match line for line, the typist can simply type from the form, filling in the entire screen without glancing at it or, at most, looking at it to check for typographical errors and to correct errors detected by software edits (Galitz 1989, 121).

However, a paper form can have a dozen fields on a single line. To fit the fields horizontally, shorten the labels by using a smaller typeface or by abbreviating. If done correctly, abbreviating the labels won't change the usability of this type of window.

Studies of abbreviation methods have found that truncating words is the best method for creating abbreviations. However, since you often end up with the same abbreviation for more than one word, you need back-up methods:

  • Contracting words to the first and last letters, deleting vowels, and phonic puns—FX for effects, XQT for execute—are good backup methods (Schneiderman 1992, 163). However, puns rarely translate—don’t use them if you intend to internationalize your application.

  • Using the abbreviations found in commercial abbreviation dictionaries may help users who move often between jobs in the same industry.

  • Creating ad hoc abbreviations doesn't work well because people have different ideas about the "natural" abbreviation for any one word—"meeting" might be "mtg" or "meet," for example (Galitz 1989, 115).

When you use abbreviated labels, teach users the full word or words first, then its abbreviation. Novices who used full command names before being taught two-letter abbreviations made fewer errors than those who were taught only the abbreviations or who made up their own abbreviations (Schneiderman 1992, 162).

It is necessary, but not sufficient, to list all of the abbreviations in lists or combo boxes¾ also let users know what your abbreviations stand for. Put the definitions online in the help system or hand out commercial abbreviation dictionaries or your own quick-reference guides.

Fitting the data vertically

Abbreviating labels solves the horizontal problem, but not the vertical problem. A paper form can have 60 or more lines on an 8½ by 11 inch sheet of paper but a window has about 20 lines. To display the entire form, you must use scrolling, paging, or tabs.


Apple suggests that, when a user is at the edge of the window, the application should automatically scroll one line of text for word-processing applications, one field for databases or spreadsheets, and one object (if possible) for graphics programs (Apple 1992, 167).

For form-based windows, however, you might want to scroll by full screens. In other words, when the user fills all of the fields on the first window, pressing [Tab] or [Enter] on the last field moves him to the next page. (Depending on the application, you might want to save the entries automatically between window changes. Multimate and Radio Shack's Scripsit word-processing programs used to save the users’ work whenever they changed pages, which was a lifesaver in the days of unreliable hardware.)


You can let the user page up and down. Although expert users do well with either paging or scrolling, novices prefer paging since it is familiar and less disorienting (Galitz 1989, 75-76).

Paging or scrolling by full screens work best if you divide the set of screens into logical sections. For example, an insurance claim form might be divided into its standard sections—insured name and address; claim information; information on dependents; doctor's information; and so on.

Provide location cues. Here are some recommendations:

  • When an application has more than one page or screen per form, show a page or screen number in the status bar. Use the "Page n of n" format to give users a sense of where they stand in the record.

  • Put the screen number on the paper form—use an inconspicuous spot in or near the margins.

  • If you've broken the form into logical sections, put a subtitle in the status bar. The subtitle should match the title of the same section on the paper form.

Make sure that users can move backward as well as forward through the windows. This is especially important for applications in which corrections to already-saved data are difficult and time-consuming—for example, when saved data are sent by modem to a mainframe in batch and cannot be retrieved, only overwritten. When users can't go back to correct an error, they will often abort the job, losing pages of work, to start over. Consider letting users save data locally, prior to submitting the records, at page breaks or other checkpoints. Temporary saves allow them to look for answers to questions, protect their work against power outages, and take breaks without having to finish and submit an entire form.

Tabbed windows

A relatively new option is the tabbed window or view. Tabbed windows have the advantage of making all pages (or at least their labels) visible and readily accessible. Just make sure that you add keyboard shortcuts to the tabs so that typists can move between pages using the keyboard.

Organizing the data

Paper forms grow in unorganized ways¾ a legal requirement changes or marketing needs more information so another question gets added to the end of the current form. After a few years, page 2 or 3 of the form is a hash of unrelated information.

Although data-entry clerks don't, strictly speaking, need to understand the information on the forms, they have no way to correct or even recognize errors if they don't understand it. Since repairing errors is far more expensive than doing it right in the first place, ensuring that the forms make sense is more cost-effective than training, job aids, or online help.

For an understandable system, organize the form before you try to program the window against it. The primary organization styles are:


Arrange information in its natural order. An address, for example, is usually written as street, city, state or province, and postal code. If your systems has a built-in ZIP code lookup, you might have the users enter the ZIP code first, so that the system can automatically fill in the city and state. (Make sure that they can override the system when necessary, however¾ commercial postal-code databases contain errors.)


Put the most needed information at the top. For example, since everyone who fills out a medical claim form enters his or her name, address, employer, and insurance ID number, this information appears at the top.


Group items according to their functions. On federal tax forms, for example, all income appears in one section, all exemptions in another section, and what you owe (or are owed) in the last section.

Conversational windows


Fig. 36. Typical conversational window.

Conversational windows include everything from Nintendo games to desktop-publishing systems to financial applications (Fig. 36). What makes them "conversational" is that users look at and interact with the window itself—they are not tied to a source document.

Since the user's attention is on the window, more information is better than less. Field labels should be long and detailed; adding onscreen help and cue cards (provided that users can turn them off) is recommended.

Conversational windows can become crowded, however, and highly complex. Without careful design, they can become confusing. Galitz has a simple test for whether a conversational window is designed correctly: "Can all screen elements (field labels, data, title, headings, types of controls, etc.) be identified without reading the words that make them up?" (1994, 58). For help designing windows that pass this test, see Label.

In general:

  • Provide need-to-know information at the top of the window or on the primary window. If the user is looking for price relative to yield, then show her price and yield at the top of the window. Information about the company issuing the stock, the number of shares outstanding, the broker recommending the stock, and so on, can go at the bottom of the window or in secondary windows.

  • Put nice-to-know information in secondary windows. For instance, a lab analyst needs to know whether a test result was positive or negative¾ therefore, this information goes on the primary window at the top left. However, he might also like to know the statistical likelihood of a false positive using this batch of reagent, this level of humidity, and so on. This information can go in a separate window, tabbed view, or dialog box.

Inquiry windows

At a minimum, inquiry windows let users search for and look at information. However, the idea of "inquiry" goes far beyond answering simple questions or checking a view of a database. Inquiry can also mean answering a child's question about dinosaurs or sending an adult on a chase from "wild goose" to "Chinese cuisine" to "influenza epidemics."

Careful organization, easily scannable text and instructions, and the right amount of information per window are just as important on inquiry windows as they are on conversational windows. However, designing a sophisticated inquiry window—for the World Wide Web, for example, or for a multimedia presentation—is more like designing a magazine page than a software window¾ shape, color, and typography are paramount.

To create an easily understood window, remember consistency, placement, and proportion. The following sections are oriented around a multimedia or Web inquiry window, but the ideas are applicable to less complex applications as well.


Maintaining consistency is simple—define one or two standard layouts for the entire application and fit all text and graphics into those layouts. Magazine designers use the "grid system" to define pages and simplify layout, and this system works just as well for window design.

The first step in defining a grid system is selecting margins and, within the margins, a number of columns (Hurlburt 1978, 47-64). See Fig. 37.


Fig. 37. A three-column grid.

The columns can contain either text or pictures. Chunks of text and pictures can remain within the confines of the columns or break out across multiple columns, as shown in Fig. 38.


Fig. 38. Picture, text.


Fig. 39. Picture, text, video.

Since all window elements remain within the grid, the windows look consistent as the user moves from one to the next. Since the elements are not rigidly restricted to one column, however, you can accommodate a variety of picture shapes and sizes. Note: The grids in Fig. 38 and Fig. 39 are visible as gray boxes around the columns. However, the grid in the finished product can be visible or invisible.


Can the user find what he's looking for immediately? Or, in a marketing presentation, does he see what you want him to see immediately?

You can satisfy either criterion by knowing two facts: People look at pictures first, and (in Western societies, at least) their eyes move from the upper left-hand corner to the lower right-hand corner. Therefore, put your most important piece of information at the top left. In a marketing presentation or multimedia application, put your pictures or headlines at the top left, the text to the right. If you can, try to have something in the picture point to the text, as shown in Fig. 40.


Fig. 40. Point towards the text.


For graphic elements such as photographs and illustrations, certain proportions are more pleasing than others. The "golden rectangle," whose proportions are 1 to 1.618, has intrigued Western artists, designers, and philosophers since antiquity. If you draw a line through the golden rectangle to create a square, the remaining area is another golden rectangle—a most interesting property. Another popular rectangle, especially in Japan, is the double square (Marcus 1992, 7-8).


Fig. 41. A golden rectangle and a double square.

Typography requires a good sense of proportion as well. Luckily, there is a simple rule of thumb for the correct relationship between line length and type size for optimum readability:

A line of text should be about one and a half alphabets long (39 characters, in other words).

Most type books say 40 to 60 characters per line is fine, depending on how wide or narrow the letters in the typeface are (Romano 1984, 86-87). Forty to sixty characters is about five to eight words (an average word is eight characters long). The easiest way to find the right size is to create a "ruler" in your chosen face by typing 1 to 0 four times:


Change the type size of the ruler until it fits the desired line length.

Secondary windows

In Windows 95, secondary windows are defined as nearly anything that isn’t a main window—property windows, property inspectors, pop-up windows, and dialog boxes are all called "secondary windows." However, historically, as well as on other platforms, secondary windows are defined as supplemental windows.

Secondary windows are derived from the main window and typically appear on top of or inside the frame of the main window. They are resizable, movable, and scrollable. Although structurally they resemble a primary window, using the same controls in their title bars, they use the main window’s menu bar.

They are used to do supplemental tasks, such as:

  • Holding additional documents, spreadsheets, or other items without opening additional copies of the application.

  • Holding second-level tasks—page 2 of a data-entry form, for example.

  • With the help of modes, moving users through a task in a highly structured way. See Dialog Box, Standard, for more on modes.

  • Showing secondary information. Secondary windows are useful when the main window is filled by top-level information, but users require backup information. The backup information can appear in secondary windows, especially tabbed secondary windows (see Fig. 42).


Fig. 42. A multi-document interface using tabs (HotDog Pro version 2.057, Sausage Software).

MDI and other multiples

  • In Windows 3.0, Microsoft defined the "multiple document interface" (MDI) type of window. An MDI window holds any number of documents, in contrast to the "single document interface" (SDI) that can display only one document at a time. In an SDI system, users who wished to cut and paste (for example) between two documents would have to open two copies of the application. In MDI, users simply open both documents inside one application, thereby simplifying the interaction and using fewer system resources. Once the multiple documents were opened, users could tile or cascade the set or flip between them using a keyboard shortcut. Word for Windows is a typical MDI application.

In Windows 95, however, Microsoft argues against MDI and for three other paradigms:

  • Workspace, which is a window that holds a set of objects. It is based on the idea of a desktop or table. Like MDI, it is used to present multiple views of the same object or views of multiple objects.

  • Workbook, which is a set of views or child windows organized into a tabbed notebook. Every page of the notebook is maximized, making side-by-side comparisons difficult. However, the interface is simple and easy to understand—there are no child windows to manage. Fig. 43 is a good example of the workbook approach.

  • Project, which is a container holding or actually managing a set of objects. The objects do not have to stay inside the main window frame and can be minimized and restored separately from the main window. Because they are separate, they must have their own menubars and other elements. Visual Basic is a good example of a project-style application (Fig. 43).


Fig. 43. Visual Basic as a project-style application: the windows are not restricted to a frame.

For more information about these paradigms, see Microsoft (1995, 220-235) and Galitz (1997, 226-232).

Usability tests:

Finding the "home" or main window is the function of conceptual modeling and low-fidelity prototyping. See Appendix A, "Creating a Good GUI," for more information.

See also:

Dialog Box, Tabbed; Dialog Box, Standard; Label; Pushbutton.



A set of dialog boxes that automates a task by asking users questions, usually one question per dialog box.

Good for:

Automating infrequent tasks that users do not need to learn—installing a software package, for example (Fig. 44).


Fig. 44. A panel from an installation wizard.

Helping new or casual users do complex or sophisticated tasks (Fig. 45).


Fig. 45. A panel from AutoContent Wizard, Microsoft PowerPoint.

By giving new users a successful first experience with the application, encouraging them to graduate to the regular interface.

Not good for:

Tasks that are used so frequently that users would be expected to learn them. Experienced users may find wizards to be too slow and not adaptable enough.

Teaching users how to do a task. Use printed training guides, online tutorials, or online procedural help instead.

Design guidelines:

For one-time tasks and for getting first-time users up and running quickly, wizards are excellent tools. However, they have two shortcomings: Rigidity and a slow pace.

  • Wizards are rigid because the outcomes must be programmed in advance and the templates restricted to a certain likely group. For example, the Microsoft Word 7 "Letter" wizard restricts the user to seven page designs and three letter styles.

  • Wizards are slow simply because they restrict the user to one choice per panel. In a standard interface’s dialog boxes, on the other hand, users can usually make many choices at once (Boggan, Farkas, and Welinske 1996, 92).

The primary design guideline, therefore, is to make sure that you really need one. As the Microsoft guidelines put it, "Do not rely on wizards as a solution for ineffective designs; if the user relies on a wizard too much it may be an indication of an overly complicated interface, not good wizard design" (Microsoft 1995, 359).

Programming wizards

Microsoft says that you can, if you want, define wizards as a series of secondary windows through which the user moves. However, since all these extra windows can lead to increased modality and screen clutter, they recommend using a single secondary window instead, replacing the contents as needed (1995, 359).

Wizard screen components

Typical screen components in wizards appear on Table 1. Panels also generally include graphics. See "Graphic feedback for wizards" below.

Table 1. Wizard Screen Components

< Back button

Lets users return to an earlier panel and change values if necessary. Remove or disable the button on the first panel.

Next > button

Lets users confirm the choices on the current panel and move to the next panel. Remove or disable the button on the last panel.

Browse button

Lets users find a particular file, path, application, or piece of hardware.

Cancel button

Discards all user-supplied settings, terminates the process, and closes the wizard. Note: For complex tasks, you might want to offer a save option, letting users save their choices up to the point at which they canceled.

Finish button

Completes the task. May apply user-supplied or default settings from all panels. However, check your task analysis before putting Finish on all panels. It might not be advisable or possible to let users generate a result based only on the defaults. Put Finish to the right of the Next > button.

Help button

Offers background information and advice.

Radio buttons

Let users select one option from the available options.

Text entry area

Lets users enter text that will appear in the end product (a title, for example) or type a value that the wizard needs.


Identifies the wizard’s purpose.

Graphic feedback in wizards

Provide feedback by including a graphic on the left side of the window (see Fig. 44 and Fig. 45). On the opening window, this graphic establishes a reference point. It can be

  • a conceptual rendering (for hardware set-ups, for example, show pictures of the hardware that will be set up)

  • a snapshot of the area of the application that will be affected, or

  • a preview of the result (Microsoft 1995, 360).

On the subsequent panels, change the graphic to show the results of the user’s choices. For example, if you are designing a newsletter wizard and the user can set one, two, or three columns, change the graphic to show the result for each choice. So that the user can see the end product emerging step by step, each subsequent graphic should reflect all previous choices. For example, if the user picks a two-column format in panel 3, make sure that panel 4 and all following panels show the newsletter in two-column format.

If the graphic is not interactive, make sure that it looks that way. If you illustrate part of the interface, for example, make it larger or smaller than its actual size or render it more flatly (Microsoft 1995, 362).

Writing the wizard text

Following are some writing guidelines:

  • Use simple, jargon-free language.

  • Present options to users as questions: "What style would you like for your newsletter?" or "How many columns would you like?"

  • Provide short conceptual tips so that users can understand the implications of each option. "What’s This?" help tied to the various radio buttons could be an appropriate way to deliver this type of information.

  • Wherever possible, suggest the actions that the user might take after finishing the task. Encourage the user to customize the result using the application’s usual interface. Point to the most likely next task in the user’s workflow. Provide jumps to useful help topics or tutorials (Boggan, Farkas, and Welinske 1996, 95).

Designing the flow

In designing the correct flow through the wizard, you need to look for the most likely or obvious route through the task. Once you find it, stick with it and make sure that the user knows what it is.

Find the obvious route

Obviousness is important for inexperienced users. Think about giving driving directions to your house: If your friend Sally has never been in your town before, you try to keep her on the main or best-marked streets. If your friend John lives the next town over, on the other hand, you might tell him about the shortcuts or have him go by the scenic spots (the local golf course, the local swimming pool, etc.). Sally is the inexperienced user; John is the experienced user. Their needs are different and must be met differently.

Stick with it

Stick with the obvious route by making sure that the users can actually answer the questions the wizard asks them. This is especially a problem with installation wizards. For example, many installation wizards ask for the brand name of the system’s modem. But how many people know anything about their system’s modem, especially if it’s internal? One solution is to provide best-guess defaults—for example, "Hayes compatible" should work for most personal computers. (It might not work for such sophisticated systems as Sun workstations and Cray supercomputers, but these machines are tended by system administrators who know everything about them and do all installations by hand anyway.)

Add a roadmap


Fig. 46. Roadmap from Microsoft PowerPoint AutoContent Wizard.

Once you have your flow, let the users know what it is—provide a roadmap. Just putting "step 1 of 5" in the title bar isn’t enough, says Carolyn Snyder. Several types of problems occur when an application doesn’t have a good roadmap:

User looks in the wrong place—In Step 4 of the Microsoft Excel Chart Wizard, one user became frustrated when he couldn’t figure out how to enter the chart title (which the Chart Wizard lets you do in Step 5). He eventually gave up and clicked Finish, never realizing that the Chart Wizard had the functionality he wanted.

User knows the destination but can’t determine the route—We saw this in our desktop scanner study, whre users didn’t know if they were supposed to scan from the scanning software, the image editing application, their word processor, or what?

User doesn’t know where they are—When a user completes the Microsoft Access Form Wizard, Access puts the user into Design mode. But users didn’t realize Access had switched context on them, and they looked in the menus for commands that had been there just a minute ago, when they were still in Browse mode. We found similar problems in PowerBuilder 3.0, which also changes its menus depending on the state of the application. Most of the time, new users couldn’t describe what mode they were in, what they could do there, what mode they needed to be in or how to get there (Snyder 1996, 8).

Roadmaps can be

  • As simple as listing the steps on the first panel (Fig. 46).

  • Putting the steps on tabs and checking off each tab as the user finishes the panel.

  • On operations with many steps (such as doing a federal tax form), putting the steps on a list that reappears at the beginning of each section. The finished steps are marked on the list.

Usability tests:

Test for time savings

Wizard development is often the result of usability tests—users cannot figure out how to do a complex task, so wizards are brought in as a solution. When you test the wizards themselves, make sure that you:

  • Compare times to complete tasks and times to learn tasks with and without the wizard

  • Test how quickly experienced users become frustrated with the pace of the wizard and the restricted set of choices

The solution to experienced users’ frustration is not to add more functionality to the wizard. Rather, the solution is to state on each panel or on the last panel how the user can change these settings using the standard interface.

Test whether you need help buttons

Usability and technical communication experts disagree as to whether wizards should have help buttons—why offer help on help? Also, since you ask only one question per panel, there should be plenty of room on the panel for long labels and instructions. However, sometimes background information can be helpful. Do usability tests of the wizard with and without help buttons.

See also:

Online Help, Context-Sensitive; Online Help, Procedural

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